This assignment was a perfect one for this time of year. This week's assignment was given by JarieLyn at I really enjoy her blog and highly recommend it!
On Saturday, my sister's neighborhood had a community yard sale. I drove up there to participate and try to get some stuff out of the apartment! John is always excited when I purge. I have tended to over-accumulate in the past and am trying to change my pack-rat ways! During the yard sale, there was a bit of a drizzle. Rain never mixes well with yard sales so traffic was fairly slow, so I decided to take the downtime as a photo-op.
I used to live with my sister in this neighborhood and the landscaping at the entrance of the neighborhood is quite nice. The neighborhood is in the town of Mt. Laurel which is actually where I grew up. There are two man-made lakes on either side with lots of trees and some benches.
Actually, I should give a shout out to my town of Vineland because today is the one year anniversary of the day it became my town! To celebrate, I have included one of my favorite features of Vineland, which is the fields of sunflowers. The sunflower has always been my favorite flower so it was a wonderful gift to discover my new town had fields of them every autumn!