Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Shoot-Out--Christmas Weather

This was a cool assignment from Emma at

Snow and cold have become linked in the universal unconscious for Christmas. It is one of our most salient archetypes. I guess we all love the feeling of being in a warm house, sipping hot chocolate, and sitting by the fire as the lights twinkle on the tree while, outside, there is a blizzard raging on the other side of the door. When you think about it, this is a good metaphor for spirituality. The outside may be chaotic but inside is calm.
My pictures were taken right outside my patio door. The icicles were an amazing surprise. The way the light came through them was just amazing. If I had more photographic talent, I would have really captured the light better. For the bird shots, I just liked the contrast of a bird in the snow. These were actually taken last year, since we have not gotten a major snowing (major snowing? not sure it is an actual phrase, but I like it!) yet this year. Today was one of the first days that it was really cold--like walking into a meat locker when you go outside! I am a little jealous of those of you in the warmer climes.

Hope you enjoy!


  1. don't be jealous of the warmer climate. maybe for those who have always lived here - well they don't miss the cold. For me it is only Christmas when it is cold outside. How can you eat a turkey on Christmas day when it is near 100 outside....
    the icicle photos are amazing. great blog

  2. Very nice, Lena. I was late posting, today, because of my busy schedule. My answer to Ginger's question is: In the winter time it only gets up into the eighties. Turkey is still great, and you can also enjoy ice cream afterwords. Thanks again. I'll keep the beach, though.

  3. Those are amazing icicle photos. How fortunate you are to have captured this image. It is beautiful.

    I like your metaphor too.

  4. I'm from a warmer climate and sometimes I do wish we have some little snow here but that definitely not going to happen cos we're on the equator! Beautiful snow shot, thanks for sharing them.

  5. Yeah! Icicles! You are the first icicle post! We always would pull them down and eat them, or throw them at the neighborhood boys who annoyed us! Of course with no injuries :) Thanks for sharing...

  6. I like the snow formation photos of yours.

    BTW, can I grab the best photo of yours that I like? I will make another special post. Thanks in advance!

  7. I love the icicles! they do get pretty big here! wonderful narrative also. I can relate.

    have a wonderful weekend!!

  8. Goof examples of icicles. I'm alway afraid they will drag my gutters down.

  9. I love the isicle shots! Ya know what's funny is that I grew up in Detroit and even spent last winter in Chicago yet I forgot about the existence of isicles. They make beautiful photos though!

  10. Gosh I feel out of step with the universe now!


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