Thursday, December 31, 2009

Friday Shoot-Out: Under Construction

On Christmas Eve, I was at the Philadelphia airport and saw the perfect shot for this shoot-out--it was a baggage carousel down to its bare bones with plywood all around: under construction. Unfortunately, it was freezing and I was trying to keep up to get to the car quickly so I just had to run by instead of grabbing my camera out of my purse like I wanted.
Anyway, I stretched the topic a little.
I have a shot of breakfast under construction. Soon after, that egg became scrambled eggs. I also included what I call "the door to nowhere" because it looks like something unfinished. I love it because it is a symbol of possibility and openness. I included a spiderweb under construction. Spider webs are one of nature's miracles--it is always amazing how intricate and beautiful the design is, especially being created by such a small creature. I also included wind turbines because they are under construction more and more so that we can harness the great power of the wind.

And, finally, I am always under construction. I am a big believer in self-improvement and am always trying to evolve into a better self. Also, my relationship with John is also under construction, in that we are trying to build a life together; I am very fortunate that it is getting better and better everyday! By the way, this is the first time ever I have shared a picture of myself on my blog--I usually do not like how I look in photographs.

Anyway, I hope every one of you have a wonderful New Year and that your 2010 is full of love and light!


  1. Oh, the Philadelphia airport, one of my favorite places to be cuz it means that i am coming home to NJ for a visit with family and friends!! I loved just seeing the name in print!! :-) Just dropping by to wish you a Happy New Year 2010, and many more happy times here on blogger to come our way this year. Debby

  2. Ha! I love them all, and your right about every one...the egg is close to my chef heart :)

  3. I love your door to nowhere, and the spider's web. Happy New Year!

  4. I love that shot of the spider web! spiders are forever constructing their web.

  5. When you said this was the 1st time you had posted a picture of yourself it made me go back and look again: you look great! Happy New Year!

  6. The wind mill farm is an omen that a greener world will evolve this year! Thank you for sharing that and the other natural constructions like the egg in the bowl (breakfast) and the spider web. Have a very healthy and joyously Happy New Year together, Lena and John!

    With love, from Barry and Linda

  7. Dear Sol, you have made progress. The acceptance of how one looks is a big step in becoming a wholistic person, which you say you are attainging to. You look lovely. I have 6 children and I have always told them keep smiling and no every notices anything else. The eyes sparkle when you smile, revealing the soul united with your Creator. Loved your post. thanks for visiting.

  8. getting a photo of a spider web is like being given a gift, sight into a totally different world that run paralel to ours. good post.

  9. loved all your photos and a very nice one of you and your sweetie.

    happy new year!!

  10. Philly airport. We fly out of there a lot. We go to our son's house in Bel Air and drive to Philly. For some reason they are cheaper than BWI, at least for some trips. We do use BWI when we can get a better deal. For International flights, Philly is the best.

    Anyway, love the photos. For some reason, I like the egg. It reminds me of a poem Willow posted on her blog about getting up and running down the steps because you never know who is in the kitchen cooking up the eggs and sausage. A poem about promise. What a great way to start the New Year.

    And a Happy New Year to you and yours!

  11. The egg could be the foundation of many dishes or it could be a chicken construction halted. Very interesting!

  12. You needn't be shy about posting your picture - you are a lovely lady. Just ask your handsome husband! As for the photos - I'm impressed that you thought of the spider web. They always seem to be under construction, don't they?

  13. Love your take on the theme.

  14. construction is a thing of the heart. What you have seen and shared shows a beautiful but realistic view.

  15. I love the photo of the door to nowhere. I also like the egg. I am so glad that you posted a picture of yourself. You are completely different than what I pictured in my mind. I think you are very pretty. ( I wasn't picturing ugly, just different) I like putting faces to the personalities. I like your face. It matches your blog, whereas what I was picturing didn't. That probably doesn't make much sense, but anyway, Happy New Year. I'm happy for you.


Comments very welcome and appreciated!!