Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Shoot-Out Windows and Doors





What a great topic this week! Windows and doors are not only perfect for their architectural beauty but also work as wonderful metaphors. I can't wait to see what everyone did for this week.

I have included a round window which I took in a museum at the Smithsonian. I know it does not fit "hometown" but I just really liked it and wanted to share it. I also included a door from Wildwood and I do count Wildwood as like a second home. There was just something about this door that I liked.

I have also included a shot from a nearby door because I liked the symmetry and colors of the flowers.

Last week, I shared "doorway to nowhere" and this shot got a lot of feedback so I decided to bring it back since it fit the topic so well. I decided to stop and get a closer shot. What I realized is that there is also a "window to nowhere". I am wondering if it is a sculpture piece because this same place also has an interesting mail box which I will share one of these times!

I hope you enjoy!

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  1. I like the balcony with the door and the flowers so close to the same color - looks like a great place for a morning coffee or an afternnon tea. great shoot-out

  2. All of your photos are great. The round window is a stunning photograph and the door to nowhere is awesome. I hardly ever see a door with a mail slot anymore. Great pictures.

  3. Love your door to nowhere! And the beautiful round window! Lovely shots.

  4. Oh I like the mail slot in the door, I wish our house had one!

    I love your door and window to nowhere.

  5. I enjoyed seeing the round window at the Smithsonian. And you are right, this theme makes for great metaphors.

  6. nice series of shots! love the round window. great shoot out!!

  7. The Google ads at the bottom of the page are for doors & windows! Funny.

    I like the 3rd picture with the fancy double doors. The door & window to nowhere is funny.


Comments very welcome and appreciated!!