Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Great Book for Photographers

Being a newby to the craft of photography, I have started on a journey to self-educate in this art. I know it will take me a long time since there is so much to learn. Also, like most arts, there is no end point to learning; there is always room to grow and evolve. So, for my birthday, I asked for books on the topic.

One of the books that I was given was The Photo Book by Phaidon Press Limited. It is one of the coolest books I have ever gotten! The book consists of all of these amazing photos, some of them famous. Each photo has a caption, talking about the photographer, the context of the photo, or the theme of the photo.

What's great about this book is you can go to any page and find something amazing. I can spend hours just looking at it and studying it. I highly recommend it!


  1. Thanks. I'm asking for photo books for Christmas. I'll add this one to my list.

    Here is another photo book that I just discovered today. go to It was created by another blogger. It's pretty cool.

  2. Hi! Sorry I have been MIA.

    I have a few photography books that I keep referring to again and again. One of them is "Understanding Exposure" by...uh, somebody Peterson. The other is The Photographer's Eye by Michael Freeman. The last one is a "field guide" for my specific camera by David Busch. We writes one for almost all cameras.

    Your photos are very good. :) I always enjoy coming here and looking at them.

    Have a great week!


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